World Toilet Day

World Toilet Day

World Toilet Day

Every year the November 19th is celebrated as a World Toilet Day. The day has been celebrated since 2001, when toilet issues and problems were discussed and the importance of these problems were emphasized during the conference held in Singapore.

In the framwork of the day various events are held in many countries focusing public attention on the toilet availability and cleanliness issues.  Armenia has joined this event too. “Country Water Partnership” ecological, scientific NGO held trainings in Geological museum named after H. Karapetyan on November 21, 2016 and in Mets Parni community school on November 22, 2016.

The goal of the training was to raise public awareness on sanitation and sanitation conditions. The training introduced the importance of the sector and problems that can arise from improper toilet conditions. It was refered to the fact that Armenia has adopted the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, and 6th goal - clean water and sanitation. Armenia is committed to its implementation. Our every day life mistakes were presented during the traings, e.g. hand-washing with no soap, and throwing household stuff into the sewer system. At the end of the training children directed questions to the trainers. Inforamation leaflets were distributed among the children.